Sunday, December 27, 2015

Percedal of Sadly Grove

Here's Percedal finally colored! I tried out a new style from Jake Parker. It was kind of challenging but, I like it. I can't wait to work on more.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Work in Progress

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas! It's been busy this time of year with the holidays. I did manage to work a little on this today and I hope to finish it soon.

Friday, December 18, 2015


I finally made some more time and I did some line work for the sketch I was planning on working on. I am hoping to finish Evangelyne's line work and color them using Jake Parker's tutorial video. :) I hope to get to work on that soon.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Evangelyne and Percedal

I watched Jake Parker's tutorial and it was a lot of fun. It's interesting how each artist uses Photoshop differently. From now on, I am going to try and use the artist's techniques from the tutorials and maybe to try putting out a piece of artwork a week. If I do it that way I should have plenty of time to work with my busy schedules. Here's some sketches that I am preparing to paint. I am doing some sketches of Percedal and Evangelyne from the French television show Wakfu. I am trying to work on my anatomy as well and drawing characters from other shows helps me a lot as well as drawing things from life.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Illustration Techniques with Jake Parker!

This week I am going to be studying some illustration techniques with Jake Parker who is a visual development artist a Blue Sky Studios!  Jake has worked on movies such as Horton Hears a Who! , Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs, and Epic. Here's some of his work! This first piece is the picture that he is going to be showing his process on. I'm excited to dive in!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Illustration techniques with Brooke Boynton Hughes

This week I am studying some illustration techniques from Brooke Boynton Hughes. I've been doing some of the Society of Visual Storytelling courses when I'm not too busy at work. She has been an inspiration to me as an artist. She faced a similar struggle where she struggled with human anatomy and she overcame it with lots of practice so she will be a cool artist to learn from. Here's some of her work. She primarily works traditionally and then uses Adobe Photoshop tools to enhance her color and textures.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

11-4-15-Beast Boy

I've been drawing some of my favorite characters from tv shows to help me get better at drawing the anatomy as well as studying some of my anatomy books. So, I could not help but, start wanting to draw teen titans characters. :) Beast boy is my absolute favorite character in that show. I finally am getting back around to doing digital work and hopefully soon some paintings.

Monday, November 2, 2015

11-2-15- Robin

I miss the Teen Titans show! :) I could not help but draw some of the characters again. It will also help me with my anatomy.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

10-14-15- Various Bird Sketches

The past few months I have been trying to get better at the human anatomy and animal anatomy so I wanted to draw some birds. :3

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Distant-Skies-Early Exploration

I have been recently collaborating with my brother to write a fantasy story I have had in mind for a while. Here's some little sketches..really rough of course. I'm trying to get my ideas down and there will be lots more on the illustration end soon. I'm going to explore my character, the creatures, and the landscapes of my Distant Skies story. When I get more, I will tell you more.  The writing process is going it'll come soon enough. :) I'm excited though.



Wednesday, September 9, 2015

9/9/15-Quick Sketch

Just a quick self-portrait sketch for the night. There is some anatomy problems but, for a quick sketch, eh, not bad.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Sketching Saturdays

I will most likely be sketching on the weekends with my new work schedule so, maybe sketch Saturdays will become a thing for me. So, here's some sketches that I did today. :)

Saturday, August 1, 2015

In Between two jobs..

It's been a bit busy for me but, I've been adjusting my schedule to make time to work on personal stuff. So, hopefully soon I'll have time to do more sketching :) I did this during some lunch times this week at work. I am going to be adding color soon. It's just the value and I colorized it so that I can begin working and adding in the color. :)

A New Place and New Faces...:)

I am so happy to inform you that I have started working at a new job! I just got hired recently to work at WaterFiltersOnline as an Online Product Manager and Graphic Artist. It's a step closer in my career direction. I am in charge of taking photos of products and preparing them for online stores.  I will be working with several websites and I have finally gotten started! Later, I will also be working in Adobe Illustrator and other programs to work on various work. So, it's been an exciting adventure!
 You can visit their main website here. If you're looking for parts here's where to shop!
ppsssst. Here's my desk :)
I'll keep you posted on my career journey! :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Constructing the Form from the Skeleton

Just practicing constructing the figure using the skeleton.

A drawing I did to practice creating the form using the skeleton and the trajectory of the spinal column. I am learning a lot about the human anatomy. :) Then I took the drawing and shaded it in pencil.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Embracing the Light

I did a lineless picture for once!  I actually liked it much better. I did a fanart of the X-Box one game "Ori and the Blind Forest". I beat it and I loved it! It was a fantastic game and even the soundtrack and animation was perfect. It definitely ranks as one of my favorite games.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Scar- Practice Paint

I wanted to try some of the painting assignment from one of our other animation classes that I never got to take. Josh Addessi is the professor that taught it. This took me a lot longer because I was just doing it for fun so it took me a few hours.

 Josh provides some awesome sketch brushes on his website. You can check it out here -> He's an awesome artist please checkout his work!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Finished Version

Here's my finished version. :) Using illustrator is a whole lot different from photoshop. It will take a lot to get used to it but, the artwork is crisp and beautiful though. It's great for logos, websites, and posters.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Converting Drawings into Vector Tutorial

I've been working on some more practice tutorials for Adobe Illustrator trying to brush up my skills for my new potential job. I'll post the finished version tomorrow. I've known some about illustrator but, I'd like to get more practice painting, adding text, adding texture and creating vector drawings. So, I've been practicing.


Summer Bear

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Soon to be teachers... :)

So, I was doing some early research before starting the class and the artists that I will be learning from are :

Zac Retz

An artist for Disney and Nickelodeon games, concept artist and kids book illustrator

Will Terry

Will Terry has been a freelance illustrator for 23 years.  After finishing his BFA project at BYU he began working for magazines and newspapers not far from where he grew up in Washington D.C. His early clients include publications such as Time, Money, Wall Street Journal and ads for Sprint, Pizza hut, M&M Mars, Fed Ex, and Master Card. He has illustrated about 30 children’s books for Random House, Simon Schuster, Scholastic, Penguin, Klutz, and Albert Whitman. He has created several indie ebooks that have sold tens of thousands of copies and has started a story app series with Rick Walton beginning with “Gary’s Place”. He also co-owns Folio Academy and - online illustration classes for children’s book illustrators selling in over 50 countries.

Brooke Boynton

A freelance illustrator and children's book writer

Ty Carter
Illustrator/Concept Artist
A designer at Blue Sky Animation Studios, Ty Carter has worked on such films as Epic and Peanuts.

Kevin Keele

 An artist living in Utah.  He works for Disney Interactive Studios/Avalanche

This is exciting! :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

More Tutorials

I'm almost done watching most of the introductory tutorials for Adobe Illustrator so, I am going to try and finish those tutorials up tomorrow on my off day and then I'm hoping the rest of this week and next week and from now on doing some tutorials with some more complex elements of Adobe Illustrator. It's been a bit but, it's starting to come back pretty quickly. Can't wait to get started :) Fun stuffs..

Creating corner-aligned dashed lines
  • Illustrator
Drawing artwork in perspective
  • Illustrator
Defining perspective grids
  • Illustrator
Mapping flat artwork to the perspective grid
  • Illustrator
Using variable-width profiles
  • Illustrator
Using variable-width strokes
  • Illustrator
Using the new integration with Device Central
  • Dreamweaver
  • Fireworks
Cropping Images with Clipping Masks
  • Illustrator
Cropping Images with Opacity Masks