Saturday, August 1, 2015

In Between two jobs..

It's been a bit busy for me but, I've been adjusting my schedule to make time to work on personal stuff. So, hopefully soon I'll have time to do more sketching :) I did this during some lunch times this week at work. I am going to be adding color soon. It's just the value and I colorized it so that I can begin working and adding in the color. :)

A New Place and New Faces...:)

I am so happy to inform you that I have started working at a new job! I just got hired recently to work at WaterFiltersOnline as an Online Product Manager and Graphic Artist. It's a step closer in my career direction. I am in charge of taking photos of products and preparing them for online stores.  I will be working with several websites and I have finally gotten started! Later, I will also be working in Adobe Illustrator and other programs to work on various work. So, it's been an exciting adventure!
 You can visit their main website here. If you're looking for parts here's where to shop!
ppsssst. Here's my desk :)
I'll keep you posted on my career journey! :)