Friday, December 30, 2016

Owen's Christmas Flyer - Completed

I finished my Owen's Christmas Flyer just a couple weeks ago. It has been really busy this month in retail so I haven't posted it yet.The associates really liked it and it made my day. So, we got to hand out my art out to customers in the plastic bags. I used reference of course and I was very happy with the outcome. I hope you like it too. :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Owen's Christmas Flyer - Almost Done...

I am almost finished with Owen's Christmas Flyer. I still have some shading to do on the deer, the snow, and some other final touches. Here's my progress thus far.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Owen's Christmas Flyer

So, the place where I worked asked if I would draw up a Christmas flyer to put in the bags at our store and I told them I would. So, here's my rough draft of it. I plan on making this loads better but this is just the rough render of it. I plan on adding color and text. I hope they will like the final outcome.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Fresh Snow- Character Exploration

Today, I spent some more time drawing up more ideas of what I'd like the deer to look like. The deer in the middle is what I will most likely strive for. I like the length of the horns and will probably use the antlers from the upper right drawing. I'm trying to find ways to stylize the deer and I simplified the nose to my own style.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Fresh Snow - Exploratory Boards

I did some extremely rough boards today to just get out my ideas. I am going to re visit this later and definitely make everything readable. I wanted to capture the energy flowing first. These were just done super fast on paper.

Fresh Snow- Character and Background Exploration

 I started doing some sketches for Fresh Snow. I did some research on different deer species and I am going to make my main character/ animal, a young male Siberian Roe Deer.

  Fresh Snow is a creative writing that captures the many perspectives that fresh snow brings to us and the beauty of letting go of our past so we can boldly take each step into a new year. I heard our audio, and a young stag came to my mind. I have not drawn deer often so I am playing with the design. I just love the Roe deer's antlers. They are small yet, beautiful. I imagined a park with lanterns and a forest and city with lights not far off in the distance.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Fresh Snow

I've got some more cool news. My brother is a writer and we are thinking of doing some cool projects where he writes and I would animate to it. There is a sound recording he recorded that it is just under 3 minutes that he would love for me to animate to it. It is a creative writing excerpt he did called "Fresh Snow" and it is gorgeous.  It would be a great way for me to build up my portfolio. I will keep you posted on this. :)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Drawing with my little helper...

Drawing with my little helper. :) At least she's not eating my sketchbook. I am just doodling some Wolf Children Characters from the movie. I just got the comic book for Wolf Children. :) So cool!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Brushing up my skills in Adobe After Effects CC

Long time no see! I have been busy at work doing photography, editing, and maintaining item inventory. Just recently, I found out that I am going to be doing more stuff at work. I have the opportunity to work on product labels that need some editing, social media websites for our business, and in the future I am most likely going to get the chance to create video tutorials and videos inside Adobe After Effects CC and Adobe Premiere Pro. I just recently got a montly Adobe Creative Cloud membership  so that I can get a monthly membership to all of Adobe's programs. It's exciting! 

In my free time, I have decided to brush up my skills in Adobe After Effects CC. I am watching lots of tutorials to refresh myself since it's been a while. Here's some of the tutorials that I've been watching. They are neat and easy to follow.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Phoenix Companies LLC. Logo Work

I am so thrilled that I had been asked to work on a logo design for a company called, The Phoenix Companies, LLC. The Phoenix Company logo is the parent company of 3 other companies The Phoenix Companies, LLC will have products such as heliocopters, cell phone screen protectors, and an organic soap company.  Here's the work that I have been doing. I have some rough design work as well as the final logo design. All final design work belongs to the Phoenix Companies, LLC. I have permission to display these on my portfolio websites.
Rough Logo Designs:

Final Design selected and other generations:


Saturday, February 27, 2016

My first freelance job!

I am so excited to inform you that I have gotten my first freelance job. I am happy to be working with a small company called The Phoenix Companies, LLC who has other companies underneath the parent company. This is all work outside of my current job and work is done at home in my off time. I am near completion on one logo. I am so excited and thankful. I will be posting the final work soon. :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


I just finished watching Moribito and I have to say it was a fantastic show! Here are some little sketchy sketches I did tonight. I like drawing characters it makes drawing the anatomy a lot more fun well, at least for me. :P

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Painting techniques with Zac Retz

My next tutorial that I am going to be working on is from Zac Retz from the Society of Visual Storytelling. It's been big gaps in between my tutorials and for that I am sorry. But, good news is I am learning a lot from these couple hour tutorial videos. This is my fourth video.
Zac Retz is a young freelance illustrator. He graduated in 2012 which is two years before I did. He's gone far with his life already. He works for ReelFX in Santa Monica, CA as a visual development artist. He has a very painted look to his art. He loves drawing couples and monsters.
In this tutorial, he will be demonstrating how he goes about painting. So far, I'm about 10 minutes in. I will post more soon.
Here's what he's making.

I want to practice doing some landscape. Here's my drawing.

Here's the beginning of his process. He makes shape in paint and does this by separating the layers by values using the pen tool. I started blocking in mine. This was a bit different because I'm used to atmospheric perspective where it goes darker to lighter but, depending on the lighting that may change or if there are mountains in the background. So, interesting stuff.